
More Than a Uniform: Keeping the Promise
No matter what uniform your employees wear, it represents a promise from your organization. Learn how and why keeping the promise can make or break your organizations public support. Learn how three simple principles can help your organization keep then promise.

Beyond Policy and Punishment
Rules are important and hold people accountable to those rules is also important. Yet, if your relying on policy and punishment as the core resource for ensuring ethical behavior your relying of a failed paradigm. Learn how to focus on creating the behavior you want rather than fighting against the behavior you don’t want. How to create or build upon the underlying collective commitment of the organization.


Career Survival
In this 3 part webinar, participant learn new models of thinking to shift from full-time warrior to peace officer working with the community to create a safe and peaceful society. Developing a new model of trust between officers based on personal transparency and honesty. Re-framing the existing collective commitment to courage to include honesty as a reflection of ethical courage. Expanding the understanding that service is the core responsibility for every peace officers.